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I love hearing from my fellow Bogart fans, and I TRY to respond to each and every email I receive, but I have to warn you that I can't promise a quick response. In fact, sorry to say, there are times I'm so swamped I'm unable to respond at all.

I also have to confess that, although I'm a big fan, of course, I'm far from an expert on Bogart. I've read only a couple of biographies, and I'm not particularly good at answering trivia questions or identifying film quotes. Rather than writing to me, you'd be far better off posting your question to the Bogie Board and drawing on the collective knowledge of all the visitors to this site. Also, if you Search the Site, you may well find your question has already been answered somewhere. That includes the site's Frequently Asked Questions page.

Finally, every source for Bogart-related merchandise I'm aware of is already listed on the Bogie-Bilia page. I don't know which movies are available on videotape and which aren't, and I don't know which vendors have which specific titles. Again, you'd be best off posting your question to the Bogie Board.

Having said all that, you can write to me at:

[FAQ] [Bogie Board] [Search the Site] [Bogie-Bilia]


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